Position Papers

ES-SO makes its position public on certain subjects related to energy issues in buildings, and communicates on this position with the EU authorities. ES-SO preferably acts on this together with other building stakeholders, or alone, depending on the subject.

December 2021

ES-SO Position Paper on EPBD Revision

November 2018

ES-SO Position Paper on "Implementing the EPBD and assessment of windows"

Febuary 2021

ES-SO Position Paper on the EU Renovation Wave

December 2016

ES-SO White Paper on "Overheating risk in low energy buildings

Scientific & Research


Solar shading – Synergising mitigation of GHG emissions and adaptation to climate change: the potential to disrupt rising cooling demand and overheating in buildings


A South-West facing flat in an old converted office building in North London was able to reduce temperatures from a scorching 47.5C to a more acceptable 28C by using external solar shading.

Dynamic shading solutions for energy efficient buildings

by Sonnergy 2015. This study includes an update of the figures of the ESCORP report 2005.

Impact of Shading Devices on Daylight Quality in Offices, report TABK, Lund University- by Marie-Claude Dubois


January 2022

Ready for carbon neutral by 2050?

Assesing of ambition levels in new building standards across EU, BPIE

September 2020

A review of EU Member States' 2020 long term renovation strategies, BPIE

Global warming and human impacts of heat and cold extremes in the EU, JRC PESETA IV project – Task 11


Quantifying the benefits of energy renovation investments in schools, offices and hospitals, BPIE


Daylighting in non-residential buildings, IEA SHC Position Paper


ES-SO Solar shading for low energy and healthy buildings


Febuary 2022
Helen Rose Wilson- Fraunhofer ISE and Jacob Jonsson -LBNL

Optical and thermal characteristics of solar shading and how they can be measured and determined

Febuary 2022
Bruno Bueno-Fraunhofer ISE, Taoning Wang and Charlie Curcija - LBNL

Applying software to evaluate the effect of solar shading on energy consumption, daylighting and glare in buildings

March 2015

TNO-Findings on extra savings of solar shadings